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July 08, 2010, at 01:24 PM by -
Changed lines 19-24 from:
* ''-s'' [[<<]] enables the schema versioning functionalities. However,
the schema versioning options have not been implemented yet.

* ''-d'' [[<<]] enables the debug output message. The level varies from 1 to 4,
with 4 being the most detailed.
Changed lines 62-63 from:
* ''-s'' and ''-d'' have the same meaning as in Squash.
Changed lines 78-79 from:
* ''-s'' and ''-d'' have the same meaning as in Squash.
June 15, 2010, at 07:59 PM by -
Added lines 72-75:

[[Main/HomePage | Home]]
June 08, 2010, at 09:04 PM by -
Changed lines 17-19 from:
time slice information. This XML document is to be squashed.
time slice information. This XML document is to be squashed. Note this must be an absolute path of the file.
Changed lines 55-57 from:
*''temporal_document'' [[<<]] Temporal XML document to be validated. It needs to be an squashed temporal document.
*''temporal_document'' [[<<]] Temporal XML document to be validated. It needs to be an squashed temporal document. Note this must be an absolute path of the file.
Changed lines 66-67 from:
unsquash [-o outFile] [-d debugLevel] temporal_document
unsquash [-o outFile] [-d debugLevel] temporal_document Note this must be an absolute path of the file.
June 08, 2010, at 04:42 PM by -
Changed lines 10-13 from:
squash [-o outputFile] [-s schemaVersFlag] [-d debugLevel] config_file
squash [-o outputFile] [-s schemaVersFlag] [-d debugLevel] temporal_datafile
Changed lines 16-18 from:
* ''config-file'' [[<<]]An XML file that describes the parameters to Squash. Parameters include the name of the logical annotation file, the name of the physical annotation file and the file names of the snapshots and their valid periods. See the test-cases for example config-files.
* ''temporal_datafile'' [[<<]]The original temporal XML document which contains
time slice information
. This XML document is to be squashed.
Changed lines 49-52 from:
txmllint [-s schemaVersFlag] [-d debugLevel] config_file temporal_document
txmllint [-s schemaVersFlag] [-d debugLevel] temporal_document
Changed lines 55-59 from:
* ''config-file'' [[<<]]An XML file that describes the parameters to Squash. Parameters include the name of the logical annotation file, the name of the physical annotation file and the file names of the snapshots and their valid periods.

*''temporal-document'' [[<<]] Temporal XML document to be validated
*''temporal_document'' [[<<]] Temporal XML document to be validated. It needs to be an squashed temporal document.
Changed lines 66-67 from:
unsquash [-o outFile] [-d debugLevel] config_file temporal_document
unsquash [-o outFile] [-d debugLevel] temporal_document
Deleted lines 69-70:
* ''config-file'' [[<<]]An XML file that describes the parameters to Squash. Parameters include the name of the logical annotation file, the name of the physical annotation file and the file names of the snapshots and their valid periods.
March 23, 2009, at 08:04 PM by -
Changed lines 25-27 from:
NOTE: This tool cannot currently be invoked from the command line.
March 23, 2009, at 08:03 PM by -
Changed lines 10-13 from:
java Squash [config-file | snapshot-prefix starting-index ending-index [logical-annotation] [physical-annotation] ]
squash [-o outputFile] [-s schemaVersFlag] [-d debugLevel] config_file
Changed lines 16-28 from:
* ''config-file'' [[<<]]An XML file that describes the parameters to Squash. Parameters include the name of the logical annotation file, the name of the physical annotation file and the file names of the snapshots and their valid periods. If the config-file parameter is given, no other parameter are needed.

* ''snapshot-prefix'' [[<<]] The prefix of file names of snapshots.

* ''starting-index ending-index'' [[<<]] The range of the snapshot number. Snapshots are assumed to have the name generated by concatenating the snapshot_prefix, an integer between starting-index and ending-index, and the string ".xml". For example, if the snapshot prefix were "abc", the starting-index were 1, and the ending-index were 3, then the three snapshot files would be named "abc1.xml", "abc2.xml", and "abc3.xml". Snapshots are ordered by their valid periods, found in the cur_date attribute of the root element within each snapshot. The first snapshot can also be replaced by a temporal XML document containing the content of all snapshots that are valid before the second snapshot.

* ''logical-annotation-file'' [[<<]] The logical annotation file describes which elements and attributes in a series of snapshots can evolve over time. If this argument is missing, the location of a logical annotation must be contained in the physical annotation file if it is present. If no logical annotation can be found, Squash generates a temporal XML document with time-varying root, implying any element or attribute can be time-varying.

* ''physical-annotation-file'' [[<<]] The physical annotation file describes the elements and the attributes that can have timestamps. If this argument is missing, Squash generates a temporal XML document with time-varying root. The physical annotation may contain the location of the logical annotation file for the temporal XML document
* ''config-file'' [[<<]]An XML file that describes the parameters to Squash. Parameters include the name of the logical annotation file, the name of the physical annotation file and the file names of the snapshots and their valid periods. See the test-cases for example config-files.
Changed lines 40-43 from:
!! TemporalValidator
validates a temporal XML document according the given non-temporal schema, logical and physical annotations. It also checks the validity of the logical and physical annotations.
!! ##XMLLint
validates a temporal XML document according the given non-temporal schema, logical and physical annotations. It also checks the validity of the logical and physical annotations.
Changed lines 46-49 from:
java TemporalValidator temporal-document [non-temporal-schema] [logical-annotation-file] [physical-annotation-file]
txmllint [-s schemaVersFlag] [-d debugLevel] config_file temporal_document
Added lines 52-53:
* ''config-file'' [[<<]]An XML file that describes the parameters to Squash. Parameters include the name of the logical annotation file, the name of the physical annotation file and the file names of the snapshots and their valid periods.
Changed lines 56-61 from:
*''non-temporal-schema'' [[<<]] Non-temporal schema for the snapshots from which the temporal XML document is generated. If this argument is missing, the location of a non-temporal schema must be contained in the logical annotation.

* ''logical-annotation-file'' [[<<]] The logical annotation file describes the elements and the attributes in a series of snapshots that can evolve over time. If this argument is missing, the location of a logical annotation must be contained in the physical annotation if it is present. If no logical annotation can be found, TemporalValidator assumes all elements and attributes are time-varying.

*''physical-annotation-file'' [[<<]] The physical annotation file describes the elements and the attributes that can have timestamps. If this argument is missing, TemporalValidator validates temporal XML document with a time-varying root.
Changed lines 65-66 from:
java Unsquash temporal-document
unsquash [-o outFile] [-d debugLevel] config_file temporal_document
Changed lines 69-70 from:
*''temporal-document''[[<<]]Temporal document that contains data of a long period.
* ''config-file'' [[<<]]An XML file that describes the parameters to Squash. Parameters include the name of the logical annotation file, the name of the physical annotation file and the file names of the snapshots and their valid periods.

*''temporal-document''[[<<]]Temporal document that was produced by Squash
Changed lines 29-30 from:
Changed lines 47-48 from:
Changed lines 72-73 from:
!! UnSquash
!! Unsquash
Changed lines 69-70 from:
Added lines 72-82:

Unsquash reads a temporal XML document that contains data of a long period, extracts the valid data in each sub-period in which the data doesn't change, and generates the corresponding snapshot documents. The snapshot documents have file names like "snapshot0.xml", "snapshot1.xml", etc. Unsquash depends on &#964;DOM to extract data. Go to the [[ | &#964;DOM ]] website to get it.

!!! Usage:

java Unsquash temporal-document

!!! Parameters:

*''temporal-document''[[<<]]Temporal document that contains data of a long period.
Added line 3:
Added lines 12-13:
Added lines 29-30:
Added line 35:
Added line 40:
Added lines 48-69:

!! TemporalValidator
TemporalValidator validates a temporal XML document according the given non-temporal schema, logical and physical annotations. It also checks the validity of the logical and physical annotations.

!!! Usage:

java TemporalValidator temporal-document [non-temporal-schema] [logical-annotation-file] [physical-annotation-file]

!!! Parameters:

*''temporal-document'' [[<<]] Temporal XML document to be validated.

*''non-temporal-schema'' [[<<]] Non-temporal schema for the snapshots from which the temporal XML document is generated. If this argument is missing, the location of a non-temporal schema must be contained in the logical annotation.

* ''logical-annotation-file'' [[<<]] The logical annotation file describes the elements and the attributes in a series of snapshots that can evolve over time. If this argument is missing, the location of a logical annotation must be contained in the physical annotation if it is present. If no logical annotation can be found, TemporalValidator assumes all elements and attributes are time-varying.

*''physical-annotation-file'' [[<<]] The physical annotation file describes the elements and the attributes that can have timestamps. If this argument is missing, TemporalValidator validates temporal XML document with a time-varying root.
Deleted lines 70-71:

!! UnSquash
Added lines 1-2:
##XSchema is implemented as a set of closely-related tools. This document describes there usage and parameter meanings; for more in-depth information, see also the [[ Main/Tutorials]] page.
Changed lines 6-7 from:

Added lines 25-43:

!! SchemaMapper

SchemaMapper create a representational schema according to the given non-temporal schema and the physical annotation.

!!! Usage:

java SchemaMapper [non-temporal-schema] [physical-annotation-file]

!!! Parameters:

*''non-temporal-schema'' [[<<]] Non-temporal schema for the snapshots from which the temporal XML document is generated. If this argument is missing, the location of the non-temporal schema must be contained in the annotation file.

*''physical-annotation-file'' [[<<]]The physical annotation file describes the elements and the attributes that can have timestamps. If this argument is missing SchemaMapper generates a representational schema for temporal XML document with time-varying root.

!! UnSquash

!! UnSquash
Changed lines 1-21 from:
!! Squash

Squash takes multiple XML snapshots that are valid in consecutive periods of time and generates a single temporal XML document that contains all the content and temporal information of those snapshots. Note that even if all snapshots are individually valid, which should be checked separately, it is still necessary to run the TemporalValidator on the resulting temporal XML document to check the temporal constraints that the snapshots may have violated.

java Squash [config-file | snapshot-prefix starting-index ending-index [logical-annotation] [physical-annotation] ]

!!! Parameters:

* ''config-file'' [[<<]]An XML file that describes the parameters to Squash. Parameters include the name of the logical annotation file, the name of the physical annotation file and the file names of the snapshots and their valid periods. If the config-file parameter is given, no other parameter are needed.

* ''snapshot-prefix'' [[<<]] The prefix of file names of snapshots.

* ''starting-index ending-index'' [[<<]] The range of the snapshot number. Snapshots are assumed to have the name generated by concatenating the snapshot_prefix, an integer between starting-index and ending-index, and the string ".xml". For example, if the snapshot prefix were "abc", the starting-index were 1, and the ending-index were 3, then the three snapshot files would be named "abc1.xml", "abc2.xml", and "abc3.xml". Snapshots are ordered by their valid periods, found in the cur_date attribute of the root element within each snapshot. The first snapshot can also be replaced by a temporal XML document containing the content of all snapshots that are valid before the second snapshot.

* ''logical-annotation-file'' [[<<]] The logical annotation file describes which elements and attributes in a series of snapshots can evolve over time. If this argument is missing, the location of a logical annotation must be contained in the physical annotation file if it is present. If no logical annotation can be found, Squash generates a temporal XML document with time-varying root, implying any element or attribute can be time-varying.

* ''physical-annotation-file'' [[<<]] The physical annotation file describes the elements and the attributes that can have timestamps. If this argument is missing, Squash generates a temporal XML document with time-varying root. The physical annotation may contain the location of the logical annotation file for the temporal XML document.
Added line 1:
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Page last modified on July 08, 2010, at 01:24 PM