From tauXSchema

Main: UserManual

tXSchema is implemented as a set of closely-related tools. This document describes there usage and parameter meanings; for more in-depth information, see also the Tutorials page.


Squash takes multiple XML snapshots that are valid in consecutive periods of time and generates a single temporal XML document that contains all the content and temporal information of those snapshots. Note that even if all snapshots are individually valid, which should be checked separately, it is still necessary to run the TemporalValidator on the resulting temporal XML document to check the temporal constraints that the snapshots may have violated.


    squash [-o outputFile] [-s schemaVersFlag] [-d debugLevel] temporal_datafile


time slice information. This XML document is to be squashed. Note this must be an absolute path of the file.

the schema versioning options have not been implemented yet.

with 4 being the most detailed.


SchemaMapper create a representational schema according to the given non-temporal schema and the physical annotation.

NOTE: This tool cannot currently be invoked from the command line.


    java SchemaMapper [non-temporal-schema] [physical-annotation-file]



tXMLint validates a temporal XML document according the given non-temporal schema, logical and physical annotations. It also checks the validity of the logical and physical annotations.


    txmllint [-s schemaVersFlag] [-d debugLevel] temporal_document



Unsquash reads a temporal XML document that contains data of a long period, extracts the valid data in each sub-period in which the data doesn't change, and generates the corresponding snapshot documents. The snapshot documents have file names like "snapshot0.xml", "snapshot1.xml", etc. Unsquash depends on τDOM to extract data. Go to the τDOM website to get it.


    unsquash [-o outFile] [-d debugLevel] temporal_document Note this must be an absolute path of the file.



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Page last modified on July 08, 2010, at 01:24 PM