SandMark version 3.0

Package sandmark.watermark.objectwm

This directory contains a static watermarker that embeds the watermark in the code as vector whose components are formed out of the frequency of occurences of specific group of instructions.


Class Summary
CodeBook This class implements the entire CodeBook features including its interface
Config This class contains all the configuration information required by the watermarking algorithm
Insertion This class implements all the watermark vector frequency increment procedures
InstructionEmbedUtil This class builds all the functionalities required for embedding a new instruction group to increase the vector frequency
MethodCopyUtil This class implements the method overloading features for embedding the watermark vector instruction groups
ObjectHelper This class contains the support methods required by the "Insertion" and other *Util classes
ObjectUtil This class implements all the APIs required by the main insertion methods
ObjectWatermark Implementing Stern's Algorithm for Robust Object Watermarking
Profiler This class implements the code profiler that collects the frequently occuring instruction groups from various applications; Required for constructing the codeBook usage : java -classpath ....
SubstitutionUtil This class implements all the code substitution embedding features
VectorExtraction This class implements the vector extraction APIs to extract the watermarkvector from the existing jar file

Package sandmark.watermark.objectwm Description

This directory contains a static watermarker that embeds the watermark in the code as vector whose components are formed out of the frequency of occurences of specific group of instructions.

SandMark version 3.0

Wed Jan 29 10:30:05 MST 2003