SandMark version 3.0

Class CT


public class CT
extends DynamicWatermarker

A StaticWatermarker object encapsulates code for running a particular static watermark algorithm.

Nested Class Summary
(package private)  class CT.Watermarks
          This interator wraps around the watermark iterator constructed by sandmark.watermark.ct.recognize.Recongizer.
Field Summary
(package private)  Recognizer recognizer
(package private)  Tracer tracer
Fields inherited from class sandmark.watermark.DynamicWatermarker
Constructor Summary
          Constructs a watermarker with a given label.
Method Summary
 void embed(java.util.Properties props)
          Embed a watermark value into the program.
 void endTracing(java.util.Properties props, java.util.Vector tracePoints)
          This routine is called when the tracing run has completed. tracePoints is an array of trace points generated by sandmark.watermark.ct.trace.Tracer.
 java.lang.String getAlgHTML()
          Gives a description of what the algorithm does.
 java.lang.String getAlgURL()
          Specifies the URL of where the user can find more information about the algorithm.
 java.lang.String getAuthor()
          Specifies the author of the algorithm.
 java.lang.String getAuthorEmail()
          Specifies the email address author of the algorithm.
 ConfigProperties getConfigProperties()
          Gets the ConfigProperties object which specifies the parameters for this run of the algorithm.
 java.lang.String getDescription()
          Specifies what this algorithm does, briefly.
 java.lang.String getLongName()
          Returns this watermarker's long name.
 ModificationProperty[] getMutations()
          Specifies the types of modifications that the algorithm makes.
 java.lang.String getShortName()
          Returns this watermarker's short name.
(package private) static java.util.Properties preprocess()
 void setConfigProperties(ConfigProperties p)
          Sets the ConfigProperties object which specifies the parameters for this run of the algorithm.
 void startRecognition(java.util.Properties props)
          Start a recognition run of the program.
 java.util.Iterator startTracing(java.util.Properties props)
          Start a tracing run of the program.
 void stopRecognition(java.util.Properties props)
          Force the end to a tracing run of the program.
 void stopTracing(java.util.Properties props)
          Force an end to a tracing run of the program.
 void waitForTracingToComplete()
 java.util.Iterator watermarks()
          Return an iterator object that will generate the watermarks found in the program.
Methods inherited from class sandmark.watermark.DynamicWatermarker
getAboutHTML, getHelpURL, getProperties, setProperties
Methods inherited from class sandmark.Algorithm
getPostprohibited, getPostrequisites, getPostsuggestions, getPreprohibited, getPrerequisites, getPresuggestions, getReferences
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


Tracer tracer


Recognizer recognizer
Constructor Detail


public CT()
Constructs a watermarker with a given label.

Method Detail


public java.lang.String getShortName()
Returns this watermarker's short name.

Specified by:
getShortName in class Algorithm
the short name for this algorithm


public java.lang.String getLongName()
Returns this watermarker's long name.

Specified by:
getLongName in class Algorithm
the long name for this algorithm


public java.lang.String getAuthor()
Description copied from class: Algorithm
Specifies the author of the algorithm.

Specified by:
getAuthor in class Algorithm
the name of the author of the algorithm


public java.lang.String getAuthorEmail()
Description copied from class: Algorithm
Specifies the email address author of the algorithm.

Specified by:
getAuthorEmail in class Algorithm
the email address of the author of the algorithm


public java.lang.String getDescription()
Description copied from class: Algorithm
Specifies what this algorithm does, briefly. This description is displayed to the user in the log of execution in Sandmark.

Specified by:
getDescription in class Algorithm
a brief description of the algorithm


public ModificationProperty[] getMutations()
Description copied from class: Algorithm
Specifies the types of modifications that the algorithm makes. For more information see ModificationProperty.

Specified by:
getMutations in class Algorithm
a list of mutations that this algorithm may do on the code


public ConfigProperties getConfigProperties()
Description copied from class: Algorithm
Gets the ConfigProperties object which specifies the parameters for this run of the algorithm.

Specified by:
getConfigProperties in class Algorithm
the parameters for this run of the algorithm


public void setConfigProperties(ConfigProperties p)
Description copied from class: Algorithm
Sets the ConfigProperties object which specifies the parameters for this run of the algorithm.

Specified by:
setConfigProperties in class Algorithm
p - the parameters for this run of the algorithm


public java.lang.String getAlgHTML()
Description copied from class: Algorithm
Gives a description of what the algorithm does. This should not be a long description of what your code does, rather a brief description as to what effect it has on the program. For example, a good algorithm description would be "Set Fields Public changes the scope of all static and non-static fields to public."; a bad algorithm description would be "Set Fields Public creates a BCEL object for each class and makes modifications to it, then stores it back into the jar file."

Specified by:
getAlgHTML in class Algorithm
an HTML formatted description of what the algorithm does.


public java.lang.String getAlgURL()
Description copied from class: Algorithm
Specifies the URL of where the user can find more information about the algorithm. This URL should point to the help.html file in the doc directory where the algorithm resides, starting from the sandmark directory. For example, the URL for the static_template watermarking sample would be sandmark/watermark/static_template/doc/help.html

Specified by:
getAlgURL in class Algorithm
a URL to the help.html file for the algorithm


static java.util.Properties preprocess()


public java.util.Iterator startTracing(java.util.Properties props)
                                throws TracingException
Start a tracing run of the program. Return an iterator object that will generate the trace points encountered by the program.

Specified by:
startTracing in class DynamicWatermarker


public void waitForTracingToComplete()
                              throws TracingException
Specified by:
waitForTracingToComplete in class DynamicWatermarker


public void endTracing(java.util.Properties props,
                       java.util.Vector tracePoints)
                throws TracingException
This routine is called when the tracing run has completed. tracePoints is an array of trace points generated by sandmark.watermark.ct.trace.Tracer. In our case, these are of type sandmark.watermark.ct.trace.TracePoint

Specified by:
endTracing in class DynamicWatermarker


public void stopTracing(java.util.Properties props)
                 throws TracingException
Force an end to a tracing run of the program.

Specified by:
stopTracing in class DynamicWatermarker


public void embed(java.util.Properties props)
Embed a watermark value into the program. The props argument holds at least the following properties:

Specified by:
embed in class DynamicWatermarker


public void startRecognition(java.util.Properties props)
                      throws TracingException
Start a recognition run of the program.

Specified by:
startRecognition in class DynamicWatermarker


public java.util.Iterator watermarks()
Return an iterator object that will generate the watermarks found in the program.

Specified by:
watermarks in class DynamicWatermarker


public void stopRecognition(java.util.Properties props)
                     throws TracingException
Force the end to a tracing run of the program.

Specified by:
stopRecognition in class DynamicWatermarker

SandMark version 3.0

Wed Jan 29 10:30:05 MST 2003