SandMark version 3.0

Package sandmark.util.classloading

Interface Summary
IClassFinder An interface implemented by all classes suitable for use by sandmark.util.classloading.ClassFinder as sources of class names

Class Summary
ClassFinder Provides a unified interface for finding classes that extend certain interfaces.
DirClassFinder Provides a list of classes, short descriptions of those classes, and which of the classes specified in sandmark.util.classloading.IClassFinder the classes derive from, based on the contents of the directory specified in the system property "SMARK_ROOT"
FileClassFinder Provides a list of classes, short descriptions of those classes, and which of the classes specified in sandmark.util.classloading.IClassFinder the classes derive from, based on the contents of Algorithms.txt, a text file found by a call to ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader.getResource("Algorithms.txt")
JarClassFinder Provides a list of classes, short descriptions of those classes, and which of the classes specified in sandmark.util.classloading.IClassFinder the classes derive from, based on the contents of the jar file specified by the system property "SMARK_PATH"

SandMark version 3.0

Wed Jan 29 10:30:05 MST 2003