SandMark version 3.0

Class VerifyCFG


public class VerifyCFG
extends TreeVisitor

VerifyCFG visits the nodes in a control flow graph and verifies that certain properties of the graph are true. For instance, value numbers of expressions are not equal to -1, node connections are consistent, exception handlers are set up correctly, etc. Mostly used for debugging purposes.

Field Summary
(package private)  Block block
(package private)  FlowGraph cfg
(package private)  boolean checkValueNumbers
(package private)  java.util.Set nodes
(package private)  Node parent
(package private)  java.util.Set uses
Fields inherited from class sandmark.obfuscate.boolsplitter.dtree.TreeVisitor
Constructor Summary
VerifyCFG(boolean checkValueNumbers)
Method Summary
 void visitBlock(Block block)
          First make sure that the Block indeed is in the CFG.
 void visitDefExpr(DefExpr expr)
          Keep track of all the uses of the expression defined by the DefExpr.
 void visitExpr(Expr expr)
          If desired, make sure that the value number of the Expr is not -1.
 void visitFlowGraph(FlowGraph cfg)
          Visit the blocks and expression trees in a control flow graph.
 void visitGotoStmt(GotoStmt stmt)
          Make sure that the target of goto is valid.
 void visitIfStmt(IfStmt stmt)
          Make sure that the targets of the if statement are valid.
 void visitJsrStmt(JsrStmt stmt)
          Make sure that all of the targets of the jsr are valid.
 void visitNode(Node node)
          Make sure that the Node resides in the block that we expect it to and that it has the expected parent expression tree Node.
 void visitRetStmt(RetStmt stmt)
          Make sure that all of targets of the ret are valid.
 void visitStoreExpr(StoreExpr node)
          If desired, makes sure that the store expression's value number is not -1.
 void visitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt stmt)
          Make sure that that all of the targets of the switch are valid.
 void visitVarExpr(VarExpr expr)
          Make sure that the VarExpr either defines a local variable, is defined by another expression, or is the child of a PhiStmt (therefore making the VarExpr a phi-variable).
Methods inherited from class sandmark.obfuscate.boolsplitter.dtree.TreeVisitor
direction, forward, prune, reverse, setPrune, visitAddressStoreStmt, visitArithExpr, visitArrayLengthExpr, visitArrayRefExpr, visitCallExpr, visitCallMethodExpr, visitCallStaticExpr, visitCastExpr, visitCatchExpr, visitCheckExpr, visitConstantExpr, visitExprStmt, visitFieldExpr, visitIfCmpStmt, visitIfZeroStmt, visitInitStmt, visitInstanceOfExpr, visitLabelStmt, visitLocalExpr, visitMemExpr, visitMemRefExpr, visitMonitorStmt, visitNegExpr, visitNewArrayExpr, visitNewExpr, visitNewMultiArrayExpr, visitPhiCatchStmt, visitPhiJoinStmt, visitPhiStmt, visitRCExpr, visitReturnAddressExpr, visitReturnExprStmt, visitReturnStmt, visitSCStmt, visitShiftExpr, visitSRStmt, visitStackExpr, visitStackManipStmt, visitStaticFieldExpr, visitStmt, visitThrowStmt, visitTree, visitUCExpr, visitZeroCheckExpr
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


Block block


Node parent


FlowGraph cfg


java.util.Set uses


java.util.Set nodes


boolean checkValueNumbers
Constructor Detail


public VerifyCFG()
Constructor. Don't check value numbers.


public VerifyCFG(boolean checkValueNumbers)
Constructor. Since value numbers are not strictly part of the control flow graph, they may or may not be checked. For instance, if a CFG is being verfied before value numbers are assigned, we would not want to check them.

checkValueNumbers - Are the value numbers of expressions checked?
Method Detail


public void visitFlowGraph(FlowGraph cfg)
Visit the blocks and expression trees in a control flow graph. Examine the uses of a variable that is defined in the CFG. Make that all uses are reachable (i.e. are in the CFG).

visitFlowGraph in class TreeVisitor


public void visitBlock(Block block)
First make sure that the Block indeed is in the CFG. If the block begins an exception handler, then make sure that all edges from protected blocks lead to the handler block. Also make sure that all of the handler block's predacessor lead to protected blocks. Finally, make sure that the successor/predacessor relationship holds.

visitBlock in class TreeVisitor


public void visitRetStmt(RetStmt stmt)
Make sure that all of targets of the ret are valid. The targets are the blocks to which the subroutine can return.

visitRetStmt in class TreeVisitor


public void visitJsrStmt(JsrStmt stmt)
Make sure that all of the targets of the jsr are valid. The only target is the entry block of the subroutine.

visitJsrStmt in class TreeVisitor


public void visitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt stmt)
Make sure that that all of the targets of the switch are valid.

visitSwitchStmt in class TreeVisitor


public void visitIfStmt(IfStmt stmt)
Make sure that the targets of the if statement are valid. Targets consist of the true target, the false target, and the first blocks of any exceptions that may be thrown by the if statement.

visitIfStmt in class TreeVisitor


public void visitGotoStmt(GotoStmt stmt)
Make sure that the target of goto is valid.

visitGotoStmt in class TreeVisitor


public void visitStoreExpr(StoreExpr node)
If desired, makes sure that the store expression's value number is not -1. Makes sure that the store expression's block and parent Node are what we expect them to be. If the type of the StoreExpr is void, then make sure that its parent is an ExprStmt (i.e. make sure it is not nested within another expression).

visitStoreExpr in class TreeVisitor


public void visitNode(Node node)
Make sure that the Node resides in the block that we expect it to and that it has the expected parent expression tree Node. Make sure that the children of this Node are also correct.

visitNode in class TreeVisitor


public void visitExpr(Expr expr)
If desired, make sure that the value number of the Expr is not -1.

visitExpr in class TreeVisitor


public void visitDefExpr(DefExpr expr)
Keep track of all the uses of the expression defined by the DefExpr. This information is used when verifying the FlowGraph.

visitDefExpr in class TreeVisitor


public void visitVarExpr(VarExpr expr)
Make sure that the VarExpr either defines a local variable, is defined by another expression, or is the child of a PhiStmt (therefore making the VarExpr a phi-variable).

visitVarExpr in class TreeVisitor

SandMark version 3.0

Wed Jan 29 10:30:05 MST 2003