SandMark version 2.1

Class Graph

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Graph
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.lang.Cloneable

Simple graph package. The following data structure is used:

  1  |     |
  2  |     |
     +-----+           +------+
  3  |   +-+---------> |  3   | (sandmark.util.graph.Node)
     +-----+           +------+
  4  |     |
  5  |     |
  6  |     |

  1  |     |
  2  |     |             1   2   3   4   5   6
     +-----+           +---+---+---+---+---+---+
  3  |   +-+---------> |   |   |   | + |   |   |
     +-----+           +---+---+---+-+-+---+---+
  4  |     |                         |
     +-----+                         |
  5  |     |                         v
     +-----+                   +---+---+---+
  6  |     |                   | + | + | 4 |   (sandmark.util.graph.Edge)
     +-----+                   +-+-+-+-+---+
                                 |   |
                                 |   |
                                 v   v
                               +--+ +--+
                               |3 | |3 |  (sandmark.util.graph.Node)
                               +--+ +--+

Nodes is a sandmark.util.SparseVector, indexed by node-number, and containing sandmark.util.graph.Node's. Each node has a number, starting at 1.

Edges is another sandmark.util.SparseVector, indexed by source-node number and containing yet another sandmark.util.SparseVector, which we'll call the 'OutgoingEdgesVector' here. This vector is indexed by EdgeNumber. The graphs we create typically have low out-degree (maybe 2), in which case the OutgoingEdgesVector will only have two elements, numbered 1 to 2.

Each element in the OutgoingEdgesVector is a sandmark.util.graph.Edge object which points to two sandmark.util.graph.Node objects, the source and the sink nodes. sandmark.util.graph.Edge also contains the EdgeNumber.

In the example above we have only one node, node number 3, which has only one outgoing edge (on EdgeNumber 4), to itself. Note that sandmark.util.graph.Graph is really a multi-graph: we can have multiple edges between the same two nodes.

Both nodes and edges can have data associated with them.

Certain operations are expensive, in particular iterating through a node's incoming edges.

Nested Class Summary
(package private)  class Graph.AllEdges
(package private)  class Graph.AllNodes
(package private)  class Graph.Incoming
(package private)  class Graph.OutgoingClassEdges
Field Summary
protected  Dfs dfs
protected  java.lang.String[] edgeNames
protected  SparseVector edges
protected  SparseVector nodes
protected  java.lang.String theHeader
protected  Node theRoot
Constructor Summary
          Create a new graph.
Graph(int nodeCount)
          Create a new graph of at least nodeCount nodes.
Method Summary
 Edge addEdge(Node From, Node To)
          Add an edge From--edgeNumber-->To to this graph, for some, minumum, edgeNumber.
 Node addNode()
          Add and return a new node in this graph.
 Node addNode(int nodeNumber)
          Add and return a new node in the graph.
 java.lang.Object clone()
 Graph copy()
          Return a fresh (deep) copy of this graph.
 void deleteNode(Node node)
          Delete a node and any incident edges from this graph.
 void deleteNodes(java.util.HashSet nodeSet)
          Delete a set of nodes and any incident edges from this graph.
 Dfs DFS()
          Return the Dfs-object associated with this graph.
 Dfs DFS(Node root)
 java.util.Iterator forAllEdges()
          Iterate over all edges in the graph, in no particular order.
 java.util.Iterator forAllNodes()
          Iterate over all nodes in the graph, in no particular order.
 Edge getEdge(Node From, int edgeNumber)
          If there's an edge From--edgeNumber-->To in this graph, return To, else return null.
 Edge getEdge(Node From, Node To, int edgeNumber)
          Return the edge From--edgeNumber-->To or null, if it doesn't exist.
 java.lang.String getEdgeName(int edgeNumber)
          Each outgoing edge has a number.
 java.lang.String[] getEdgeNames()
          Each outgoing edge has a number.
 att.grappa.Graph getGrappa()
 boolean hasEdge(Node From, Node To)
          Return true if there's an edge from node From to node To in this graph.
 boolean hasNode(Node node)
          Return true if there is a node 'node' in this graph.
 java.lang.String header()
          Return the string header of this graph.
 java.util.Iterator incomingEdges(Node To)
          Generate all the incoming edges to node To in this Graph.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
 java.lang.String name()
          Return a unique name for this graph.
 int nodeCount()
          Return the number of nodes in this graph.
 Node[] nodes()
          Return an array of the nodes of this graph.
 int outDegree()
          Return the maximum outdegree of any node in this graph.
 java.util.Iterator outgoingClassEdges(Node From, int Class)
          Generate all edges of type Class (sandmark.util.graph.Edge.TREE, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.BACK, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.FORWARD, or sandmark.util.graph.Edge.CROSS) starting in node From.
 java.util.Iterator outgoingClassEdges(Node From, int[] Class)
          Generate all edges whose type is one of the ones (sandmark.util.graph.Edge.TREE, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.BACK, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.FORWARD, or sandmark.util.graph.Edge.CROSS) given in Class, starting in node From.
 java.util.Iterator outgoingEdges(Node From)
          Given the node From, Generate all edges From--edgeNumber-->To in this graph.
 void print()
 void process()
          Perform a depth-first search of this graph, classifying each edge as sandmark.util.graph.Edge.TREE, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.BACK, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.FORWARD, or sandmark.util.graph.Edge.CROSS.
 void process(Node root)
 Node root()
          Return the root node of this graph.
 Edge setEdge(Edge e)
          Add the edge e to this graph.
 Edge setEdge(Node From, Node To, int edgeNumber)
          Create an edge From--edgeNumber-->To in this graph.
 void setEdgeNames(java.lang.String[] e)
          Each outgoing edge has a number.
 void setHeader(java.lang.String h)
          Set the string header of this graph.
 void setRoot(Node node)
          Set the root node of this graph.
 void show(java.lang.String header)
 java.lang.String toString()
 java.lang.String toString(java.lang.String prefix)
 java.lang.String toString(java.lang.String prefix, boolean complete)
 void view()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Node theRoot


protected Dfs dfs


protected java.lang.String theHeader


protected java.lang.String[] edgeNames


protected SparseVector nodes


protected SparseVector edges
Constructor Detail


public Graph()
Create a new graph.


public Graph(int nodeCount)
Create a new graph of at least nodeCount nodes.

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object clone()
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
clone in class java.lang.Object


public Graph copy()
Return a fresh (deep) copy of this graph.


public void deleteNode(Node node)
Delete a node and any incident edges from this graph.


public void deleteNodes(java.util.HashSet nodeSet)
Delete a set of nodes and any incident edges from this graph.


public int nodeCount()
Return the number of nodes in this graph.


public int outDegree()
Return the maximum outdegree of any node in this graph.


public Node root()
Return the root node of this graph.


public void setRoot(Node node)
Set the root node of this graph.


public java.lang.String header()
Return the string header of this graph. Used when printing the graph.


public void setHeader(java.lang.String h)
Set the string header of this graph. Used when printing the graph.


public java.lang.String getEdgeName(int edgeNumber)
Each outgoing edge has a number. getEdgeName returns the string name associated with this number. Default is "e1" for edge number 1.


public java.lang.String[] getEdgeNames()
Each outgoing edge has a number. getEdgeNames returns the array of string names associated with each number. Default is "e1" for edge number 1, etc.


public void setEdgeNames(java.lang.String[] e)
Each outgoing edge has a number. setEdgeNames gives a new array of string names to be associated with each edge number.


public java.util.Iterator forAllNodes()
Iterate over all nodes in the graph, in no particular order.


public java.util.Iterator forAllEdges()
Iterate over all edges in the graph, in no particular order.


public boolean hasEdge(Node From,
                       Node To)
Return true if there's an edge from node From to node To in this graph.


public Edge setEdge(Node From,
                    Node To,
                    int edgeNumber)
Create an edge From--edgeNumber-->To in this graph.


public Edge setEdge(Edge e)
Add the edge e to this graph.


public Edge getEdge(Node From,
                    Node To,
                    int edgeNumber)
Return the edge From--edgeNumber-->To or null, if it doesn't exist.


public Edge addEdge(Node From,
                    Node To)
Add an edge From--edgeNumber-->To to this graph, for some, minumum, edgeNumber.


public Edge getEdge(Node From,
                    int edgeNumber)
If there's an edge From--edgeNumber-->To in this graph, return To, else return null.


public java.util.Iterator outgoingEdges(Node From)
Given the node From, Generate all edges From--edgeNumber-->To in this graph.


public boolean hasNode(Node node)
Return true if there is a node 'node' in this graph.


public Node addNode()
Add and return a new node in this graph.


public Node addNode(int nodeNumber)
Add and return a new node in the graph.


public Node[] nodes()
Return an array of the nodes of this graph.


public java.util.Iterator outgoingClassEdges(Node From,
                                             int Class)
Generate all edges of type Class (sandmark.util.graph.Edge.TREE, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.BACK, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.FORWARD, or sandmark.util.graph.Edge.CROSS) starting in node From.


public java.util.Iterator outgoingClassEdges(Node From,
                                             int[] Class)
Generate all edges whose type is one of the ones (sandmark.util.graph.Edge.TREE, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.BACK, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.FORWARD, or sandmark.util.graph.Edge.CROSS) given in Class, starting in node From.


public void process()
Perform a depth-first search of this graph, classifying each edge as sandmark.util.graph.Edge.TREE, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.BACK, sandmark.util.graph.Edge.FORWARD, or sandmark.util.graph.Edge.CROSS.


public void process(Node root)


public Dfs DFS()
Return the Dfs-object associated with this graph.


public Dfs DFS(Node root)


public java.util.Iterator incomingEdges(Node To)
Generate all the incoming edges to node To in this Graph. Inefficient implementation.


public att.grappa.Graph getGrappa()


public void view()


public java.lang.String toString(java.lang.String prefix,
                                 boolean complete)


public java.lang.String toString(java.lang.String prefix)


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public void print()


public java.lang.String name()
Return a unique name for this graph.


public void show(java.lang.String header)


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)

SandMark version 2.1

Wed Jul 3 17:27:43 MST 2002