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Main.TestCase3 History

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Changed line 13 from:
$ cd $TXSCHEMA/src/test_cases/squash/testcase2
$ cd $TXSCHEMA/src/test_cases/squash/testcase3
Changed line 83 from:
The output '''TempData_1.xml''' is the output of squash; it is known as the '''Temporal Data''' document. This is the document that later gets passed to the TemporalValidator tool.
The output '''TempData_1.xml''' is the output of squash; it is known as the '''Temporal Data''' document. This is the document that later gets passed to the TemporalValidator tool. Opening this document will reveal over 300 lines data formatted with time varying (''tv'') and rep (''rep'') tags..
Deleted line 41:
Changed lines 47-48 from:
Deleted line 53:
Deleted line 39:
Changed lines 41-42 from:

last line printed to standard output should read:
After xmllint completes, the last line printed to standard output should read:
Added lines 47-49:
Changed lines 35-36 from:
We can now perform some sanity checks to make sure everything is working correctly. (Note: the following is not required for squash to work correctly; it is simply included here for completeness.)
* Verify that the Temporal Bundle is formatted correctly (i.e., validates against the Temporal Bundle Schema):
We can now perform some sanity checks to make sure everything is working correctly. (Note: the following is not required for squash to run; it is simply included here for completeness.)
* Verify that the Temporal Bundle is formatted properly (i.e., validates against the Temporal Bundle Schema):
Changed line 49 from:
* Verify that the Temporal Annotation is formatted correctly:
* Verify that the Temporal Annotation is formatted properly:
Changed line 56 from:
* Verify that the Physical Annotation is formatted correctly:
* Verify that the Physical Annotation is formatted properly:
Changed line 62 from:
* Verify that the Configuration file is formatted correctly:
* Verify that the Configuration file is formatted properly:
Changed lines 24-25 from:
As the @@ls@@ shows us, a set of input files have already been created. These are the files that the user creates; they are:
As the @@ls@@ shows us, a set of input files has already been created. These are the files that the user creates; they are:
Changed lines 31-32 from:
* The '''Configuration File'''document that is the actual input into squash; it references the Temporal Bundle and the Non-Temporal Data documents (''config.xml'')
* The '''Configuration File''' document that is the actual input into squash; it references the Temporal Bundle and the Non-Temporal Data documents (''config.xml'')
Changed lines 3-5 from:
This tutorial describes how to run one of the more complicated "test cases" that comes with the standard distribution.

'''Scenario:''' We have created some documents that keep track of our small company (which is named "Company"). We keep track of suppliers and products. We have changed our database (i.e., XML file) 10 times, and thus have 10 versions of the same file.
This tutorial describes how to run one of the more complicated test cases that comes with the standard distribution.

'''Scenario:''' We have created some documents that keep track of our company. We keep track of suppliers and products. Over time, we make refinements to our list of suppliers and products. In total, we have changed our database (i.e., XML file) 10 times, and thus have 10 versions of the same file.
Deleted line 5:
Changed lines 72-76 from:

Changed line 36 from:
We can now perform some sanity checks to make sure everything is working correctly.
We can now perform some sanity checks to make sure everything is working correctly. (Note: the following is not required for squash to work correctly; it is simply included here for completeness.)
Deleted lines 67-70:

!! Running Squash
Added lines 69-70:
At this point, if all has gone according to plan, everything is setup correctly and we are ready to run.
Changed lines 72-73 from:

!! Viewing output

!! Running Squash

To run squash:
%box% [@
$ squash config.xml
The result will be a few new files in the current directory.

!! Viewing output

The output '''TempData_1.xml''' is the output of squash; it is known as the '''Temporal Data''' document. This is the document that later gets passed to the TemporalValidator tool.
You will also notice a couple of other new files with the prefix "TempData"; these are mostly debugging output and are not as important as the file mentioned above. Future versions of ##XSchema may no longer output these files.
[[Main/Tutorials | Back to the Tutorials index ]].
Changed lines 25-26 from:
As the @@ls@@ shows us, a set of input files have already been created. These are the files that the user will normally create; they are:
As the @@ls@@ shows us, a set of input files have already been created. These are the files that the user creates; they are:
Changed line 29 from:
* The '''Physical Annotation'' document that describes where the timestamps will be placed (''company_phy_anno.xml'')
* The '''Physical Annotation''' document that describes where the timestamps will be placed (''company_phy_anno.xml'')
Changed lines 32-33 from:
* The '''Configuration File'''document that is the actual input into squash; it references the Temporal Bundle and the Non-Temporal Data documents (''config.xml'')
Changed lines 36-38 from:

!! Running Squash
We can now perform some sanity checks to make sure everything is working correctly.
* Verify that the Temporal Bundle is formatted correctly (i.e., validates against the Temporal Bundle Schema):
%box% [@
$ xmllint --schema ../../../../etc/TBSchema.xsd company_bundle.xml
Added lines 43-44:

The last line printed to standard output should read:
Changed lines 46-74 from:
%box% [@
company_bundle.xml validates

* Verify that the Temporal Annotation is formatted correctly:
%box% [@
$ xmllint --schema ../../../../etc/TXSchema.xsd company_temp_anno.xml

* Verify that the Physical Annotation is formatted correctly:
%box% [@
$ xmllint --schema ../../../../etc/PXSchema.xsd company_phy_anno.xml

* Verify that the Configuration file is formatted correctly:
%box% [@
$ xmllint --schema ../../../../etc/ConfigSchema.xsd config.xml

!! Running Squash

Added line 12:
Let's navigate to the test directory in question.
Changed line 14 from:
$ cd src/test_cases/squash/testcase2
$ cd $TXSCHEMA/src/test_cases/squash/testcase2
Changed lines 25-28 from:
Just as we did in the first tutorial, let's assume that we have created:
* the '''Snapshot Schema''' document
that describes the company*.xml files (''company.xsd'')
* the '''Temporal Annotation''' document that describes how the data changes (''
* the '''Physical Annotation'' document that describes where the timestamps will be placed (''company_phy_anno.xml'')
As the @@ls@@ shows us, a set of input files have already been created. These are the files that the user will normally create; they are:

* The '''Snapshot Schema''' document that describes the
company*.xml files (''company.xsd'')
* The '''Temporal Annotation''' document that describes how the data changes (''company_temp_anno.xml'')
* The
'''Physical Annotation'' document that describes where the timestamps will be placed (''company_phy_anno.xml'')
Changed lines 31-33 from:
* The '''Temporary Bundle''' document that simply lists the Snapshot Schema, Temporal Annotation, and Physical Annotation documents (''company_bundle.xml'')
Changed lines 15-31 from:
CVS/ company_tv.xml
company0.xml company_tv_102_10_12_102_10_13.xml
company1.xml company_tv_102_10_13_102_10_14.xml
company2.xml company_tv_102_10_14_102_10_15.xml
company3.xml company_tv_102_10_15_102_10_16.xml
company4.xml company_tv_102_10_16_102_10_17.xml
company5.xml company_tv_102_10_17_102_10_18.xml
company6.xml company_tv_102_10_18_102_10_19.xml
company7.xml company_tv_102_10_19_102_10_21.xml
company8.xml config.xml
company9.xml snapshot.xml
company_bundle.xml snapshot2002-11-10.xml
company_bundle.xml.orig testcase_tv.xml
company_phy_anno.xml testcase_tv_102_10_10_102_10_11.xml
company_temp_anno.xml testcase_tv_102_10_11_102_10_12
CVS/ company2.xml company7.xml company_temp_anno.xml
company3.xml company8.xml config.xml
company4.xml company9.xml
company5.xml company_bundle.xml
company1.xml company6.xml company_phy_anno.xml
Changed lines 24-25 from:
Work in progress.
Just as we did in the first tutorial, let's assume that we have created:
* the '''Snapshot Schema''' document that describes the company*
.xml files (''company.xsd'')
* the '''Temporal Annotation''' document that describes how the data changes (''company_temp_anno.xml'')
* the '''Physical Annotation'' document that describes where the timestamps will be placed (''company_phy_anno.xml'')
* The '''Non-Temporal Data''' files that hold the actual versioned data ('''company*.xml''')
Changed lines 5-6 from:
'''Scenario:''' We have created some documents that keep track of our small company (which is named "Company"). We keep track of suppliers and products. We have changed our database (i.e., XML file) 10 times, and thus have 10 versions of the same file.
Changed lines 13-14 from:
$ cd src/test_cases/squash/testcase3
$ cd src/test_cases/squash/testcase2
Changed lines 15-31 from:
CVS/ company_tv.xml
company.xml company_tv_102_10_10_102_10_11.xml
company.xsd company_tv_102_10_11_102_10_12.xml
company0.xml company_tv_102_10_12_102_10_13.xml
company1.xml company_tv_102_10_13_102_10_14.xml
company2.xml company_tv_102_10_14_102_10_15.xml
company3.xml company_tv_102_10_15_102_10_16.xml
company4.xml company_tv_102_10_16_102_10_17.xml
company5.xml company_tv_102_10_17_102_10_18.xml
company6.xml company_tv_102_10_18_102_10_19.xml
company7.xml company_tv_102_10_19_102_10_21.xml
company8.xml config.xml
company9.xml snapshot.xml
company_bundle.xml snapshot2002-11-10.xml
company_bundle.xml.orig testcase_tv.xml
company_phy_anno.xml testcase_tv_102_10_10_102_10_11.xml
company_temp_anno.xml testcase_tv_102_10_11_102_10_12.xml
Changed lines 33-35 from:
Note: don't worry if you don't have the CVS directory, as listed above.
Changed lines 7-9 from:
Changed lines 21-23 from:
Changed lines 26-28 from:
Changed lines 3-11 from:
This tutorial describes how to run one of the more complicated "test cases" that comes with the standard distribution.



!! Getting our ducks in a row
Changed lines 19-29 from:
Work in progress.
Work in progress.


!! Running Squash


!! Viewing output
Changed lines 7-11 from:
$ xmllint --schema company.xsd company0.xml

$ ls


Work in progress
Added lines 1-11:
%define=box block bgcolor=#f7f7f7 margin-left=40px margin-top=5px margin-bottom=10px' padding=5px%

%box% [@

$ cd src/test_cases/squash/testcase3
$ xmllint --schema company.xsd company0.xml

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Page last modified on June 23, 2008, at 08:40 PM